Fibreglass mural – finally complete !

4’X6′ fibreglass mural
(click on the image to see a bigger version)

This started of as a terracotta mural 2 yrs back…….
completed as a fibreglass mural….. just yesterday!

Right after the 5 academic years in college, a bunch of us… Swetha, Manju and i started a mural for our freind SL… for his new house ! What we had done in terracotta looked great.. its quite time consuming and it takes days and days to dry. As we had started doing it right in the monsoon season.. it took about 2 months to dry. Finally gave it for baking and about 5 peices of the Terracotta mural maze had to break down while firing. This was our first terracotta mural and we amatuers must have let some air-bubbles seap in, which gave way to the cracks. Though we were aware of the possibility of breaking while firing.. we wanted to take our big chance and try it out. This was a great learning for all of us. By the time this dried and got fired, each one of us had moved into doing different things in our lives and we could not get back to finishing the mural. All thanks to our freind SL who waited patiently. I guess he had almost lost hope that we would ever complete his mural…. but we suddenly came back to the enthu spirit to finally complete it. This time it was Swetha, Nandini and i. Our dear freind Manju is busy getting prepared to step into a wedlock. We missed her as much as she missed working on this mural together. This time, we didnt want to take a chance with terracotta as it will shrink, take time to dry (its the monsoon season again) and still there is a big chance while firing it. So we decided to try our hands on doing it in Fiber. We need to specially thank Mr.Basu who guided us 2 yrs back when we were trying our hands with clay. Now a special thanks to Mr.Chalapathy (Swetha’s dad who is a well renouned sculptor of Bangalore) and Rangaswamy who guided and helped us through the fibre process ! 10 days of work-work-work and today.. its finally complete!

I will soon put up the whole sequence and step-by-step procedure of the ‘making’ of this mural !
Its been a great learning and a great experience !! πŸ™‚

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. SL

    hmmm… Currently the Mural is lying on the table waiting to be put on.. It’s really come out well.. what should I say.. Marvellous would be the word.. Thanks to Suvi, Nandini, Shwetha and the Kanjoos Mallu (Manju) for their paitent work on it.. Eagerly waiting to put it up on the wall!! I’m already thinking how it would be when I put it on the wall tomorrow!!!! Waiting.. Waiting.. Waiting..

  2. arpana

    hey!! i would say NEAT!!! the history surely is interesting and makes it all the more valuable! this surely is an anti-case for the adage..

    here, too many cooks have NOT spoilt the broth!!

    congrats to all u artists! im waitin to see a photo of how it looks on SL’s wall..

  3. Rama Bhave

    Sangeetha, really a marvellous piece of work especially ‘coz of the amount of efforts you girls put in and the patience it requires.

    keep up the good work, young artist πŸ™‚

  4. Supriya

    Hey Suvi, awesome piece of artwork!! Words can’t express how beautiful your mural looks on the exterior wall. Great job…..keep up the amazing job and good luck to more fantastic work!!

  5. malted socktail

    if anyone manages anymore words, do let me know!


    Hello everybody!
    Thank you for your wishes! πŸ™‚
    Am glad you all liked it as much as we enjoyed working on it too !! πŸ™‚

  7. Aruna

    Hey I got to this blog through Noella’s blog.The mural is really beautifully done…Waiting for the steps

  8. Vidya

    Greatttt work !!! Nice finish. hats off ! Eagerly awaiting the ste-by-step process you are going to put out here.
    Thanks !


    Aruna, Vidya and everyone else! Thank you so much ! πŸ™‚ Well.. have not been able to put the video and the pics to gether to bring the steps to you all yet.. Will try to do it sometime soon and shall surely put it up here!But if you do have any doubts.. do let me know.. i would love to share what i know.. with u all! πŸ™‚

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