Field Sketches from the Northeast

Frozen in a sketch… i can keep them with me forever !

Nature.. with its little magic wand has so exceptionally created such incredible creatures and left them wandering all around us. Every now and then, its such pleasure to cross paths with them. The human me, wants to grab and keep everything that’s pretty; but, the naturalist me, takes immense pleasure in watching everything in their natural setting; and then, the Artist me, wants to be able to capture them somehow…         

Once they are in my sketchbook.. a little feeling of happiness! It becomes mine to keep !

I was absoluetely delighted to be joining a team of Naturalists on an expedition to Talle Valley, Arunachal Pradesh… documenting the reptile and amphibian diversity of the region. What a team it was! May 2010 was the first time i was setting foot to this part of India and i was thrilled. Had an eye out for birds, butterflies, plants, snakes, frogs and anything that came into my sight. Had a wonderful trip with over 40+ species of birds from Talle valley and Ziro, another 40+ from around Guwahati. and a whole lot of Lifers. Many snakes and Amphibians added to our list too.Rhinos! and Water Buffalo’s at Pobitaro Sanctuary made up for my lifer mammal list ! Survived the trip with just 1 leech bite on the last day while i was returning to Ziro.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Srik

    sooper cool!!

    nice writing too! 🙂

  2. ramya sriram

    Got here through Sandesh Kadur's blog. Lovely work! Your sketchbook looks very alive! Love the green fellow in the last pic 🙂

  3. Deep

    Lady.. you are doing fabulous work here..

    Accidentaly got here.. and just have spent hours in reading your blog.

    Nice work

    Keep em coming.

  4. Anonymous

    Hi Suvi,

    Long time.. How are you?

  5. Anonymous

    Dear Sangeetha, really like the sketches. Detailed and have a style I like. Looking forward to reading more on your blog.

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