My tiny painting studio

Here.. here it is! My small cute little painting area. A rack for all my colourful assortment of paints, brushes and a crowded book rack in the corner. A very tiny area to work… but i guess its okay for the kind of work am doing now. Don’t need a very large space for it. I guess its quiet ideal…

However… my dream of a ‘travel artist’ still remains! Who would resist the idea of travelling around the globe, exploring and painting from anywhere! Hope its not a very far-fetched dream…

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Minu

    I absolutely need to visit you soon! πŸ™‚

  2. rathi

    Hi..This is rathi..I am Rajashekhar and Maya's cousin.I am very eager and enthusiastic to work for our environment.Please guide me as to how to do so.Please give me your email id.Also,Please let me know the address of your paint store.

  3. Santosh

    it is certainly a doable dream!! just keep at it πŸ™‚

  4. rathi

    hi πŸ™‚ But i dont know how to start off..Please guide me..Also,will you please give me your email id?


    @ Santosh: hey thanks much! πŸ™‚
    @ Rathi : hi.. i would be glad to help in any way i can. My email id is –

    I do not have a paint store.. but i guess my studio pic looks like that with all those pictures! hehe.. Do get in touch.

  6. freeda

    it's the cutest lil studio!! need to do that pending visit soon! πŸ™‚

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